Freddie's Blog

Volcano city!!Private event in Miyazaki!火山の町!!宮崎のプライベートイベント!! 

 Today I will perform in   Miyazaki,the same city where the volcano has been constantly erupting since last week! you can see footage of it in action by going to CNN.  Click here.........I have witnessed earthquakes several times over, but never an erupting volcano. I will try to take some pictures, Blog you later!....今日は宮崎へ歌いに行きます。地震の経験は何回もありますが、火山は初めて。CNNのビデオを見てみる?ここにクリックして。出来れば写真を取ります。またね。

Still shooting the "Itoshino Kobe" PV! まだ ”愛しいの神戸のPVを撮影中! 

 Today should be the last day of shooting,今日は最後の日(と思うやねん)For the past few days, the weather has been great, so it was a lot of fun!最近天気がすごく良かったのでno problem! After the shooting, I have a private event to perform in Kyoto. 今日の撮影が終わった後、 京都であるのプライベトエベントに歌いに行きます!

Wednesday at Amayu Houseあま湯ハウスの水曜日 

 Another great day at Amayu! Everybody was "genki". We had a good time, I sang some songs off the new record(Itoshino Kobe, Youkosou Minna, and Kin Ni Sen Totte). Big fun.いつものとおり、あま湯ハウスのライブは楽しかった!新しいCDから愛しいの神戸、ようこそみんな、や気にせんとってを歌った。めちゃ楽しかった!

週刊ポストインタビューWeekly magazine"POST" interview 

 Did an interview and photo shoot for the "POST"; the setting was Harbourland. The weather was great. If only it was like this when we were shooting the ITOSHINO KOBE promo video!!今日ハーバーランドで週刊ポストのインタビューを。天気はめっちゃめちゃよかった! 

Radio Kansai Interviewラジオ関西のインタビュー 

 Prior to shooting the Promo video for "ITOSHINO KOBE", I did a radio interview at my favorite radio station: Kansai Radio(A.K.A. Radio Kansai!) Had a good time, took some pictures and even shot a video of the interview check it out!."愛しの神戸"のPV撮影に行く前に、ラジオ関西で生出演しました。いつも良い感じやねん。出演の様子を写真やビデオとった!どうぞ見て下さい

Itoshino KobeのPVについてShooting the ITOSHINO KOBE promotion video 

  The day was Sunday, January 30.日付は1月30日(日)。 I went all over Sannomiya, singing in the snow;It was freezing!!
"愛しの神戸"のPV撮影の為、三宮周辺のいろんな所へ歌いに行きました;めっちゃ寒かった!!雪までやで!!But we took some good shots. I think the video will turn out great.けどすばらしい景色のsceneをとれたと思う。お楽しみしてね